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Dealing With COVID-19


This may appear to be a little lengthy, but if you give me 2 minutes of your time, I think it will be helpful to you and your loved ones.

If there is anything positive coming out of this COVID crisis, I’d say the 2 most important realizations should be:

1. We are stronger than we think.

Our amazing bodies have an innate intelligence to be self-sustaining – to take care of itself when it’s operating at its peak efficiency. Let’s allow our bodies to do its job correctly. Too often we are the ones who weaken our own temple, with stress, poor hygiene, poor diet, weak thoughts, and beliefs. We are either fueling the wellness or fueling the disease. If we truly want to live our best lives, we need to nourish and nurture ourselves.

2. Our ‘healthcare’ system is not healthcare.

It is sick care. It is a system where we allow ourselves to get so broken *then* we call in for support or assistance, sadly too often, too late. It is not the responsibility of others to take care of *our* personal wellness, it’s is the responsibility of the individual. The community often flourishes around someone asking for help, but it’s up to each other to take care of ourselves.

How do we do this? It’s easy to do, but too often easier *not* to do. Some tips:

  1. Go for a daily walk or exercise. Daily! Just 15 minutes. Trust me it’s good for you. You will actually feel better when done.
  2. Get your vitamin D naturally via the sun, just 15 minutes a day of sun exposure (go during non-prime exposure times if worried of sun damage to the skin, you’ll be ok, we are not vampires). We are presently in another epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency, which is DIRECTLY related to your immune system.
  3. Eat real food, things from out of the ground, not the factory.
  4. Get flexible, even if just a little. You are born loose and flexible, and die stiff. Flexibility is the fountain of youth, the vitality of life. Ask anyone who does not have flexibility, they’ll tell you.
  5. Build better relationships with those you care about, allow yourself to love and be loved.
  6. Focus on the positive not the negative. Too often people focus on what they *don’t* want, then complain how often it appears. Focus on what you *DO* want. It can be called prayer, meditation, affirmations, or a ham sandwich, does not matter, call it whatever you want, just focus on the good.
  7. Live as much of a stress-free life as possible. Stress directly affects our moods, our immune function, and almost every organ of the body.
  8. Commit to making your health and well-being a priority.
  9. Eliminate one bad habit.
  10. Smile and laugh……………….often.

Many of these findings are a result of my life’s work and purpose, to share and help as many people I can to get the most enjoyment out of their lives. Please like and share this with the 3 people you feel would benefit from it most.

Have an AMAZING day!

-Dr. Jim

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